Today’s society, increasingly aware of the need to change its habits, seeks, in the goods and services it acquires, companies that also express the same concern. The industrial sector increasingly measures the impacts of its activities on the ecosystem. The business sector outsources more environmentally friendly services.
In our day to day, aware of these concerns, we feel committed to the duty of minimizing the impact that our activity may have on the environment, both in terms of process optimization, work methodologies and transport execution, through of a modernized and more environmentally friendly fleet. Work daily to provide you with an excellent service and under the guidance of the following standards: NP EN ISO 14001:2015 – Environmental Management System; NP ISO 39001:2017 – Road Safety Management System; NP ISO 45001:2019 – Occupational Health and Safety Management System.

CO2 Saving 2021
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For each service that the award, our customers are alsocontributing to the sustainability of the planet, because our value proposition includes lower CO2 emissions per kilometer.
Per kilometer done, the company supports, for financial and logistical means, to social institutions that support local communities.
In Paulo Duarte, the concern with sustainability is not limited only to reduce the impact that our activities have on the environment, but also the safety of our employees in supporting the communities in which we exercise activity, in addition to the careful choice of products we use.
In incorporate environmental, everyday, in our mission: to transport the goods entrusted to us in safety, quality and respect for the ecosystem, ensuring that delivery is performed by a qualified staff and total satisfaction of our customers.
We have the right solution for your business.
Challenge us and ask for a quotation for your needs.